Stakeholder mapping at Finance Think refers to to the processes of laying out all the stakeholders of a particular policy which is aimed at particular project. Policy mapping
Validation Meeting with Institutions Responsible for Promotion, Management, and Control of State Aid in the Western Balkans Countries
22 October 2024, online
Debate Club with the Business Sector – Measures to Increase Worker Productivity
14 July 2024, Prilep
Policy Dialogue on the Food and Energy Crisis
9 February 2023, Skopje
Parafiscal charges in municipal administrations and public enterprises – gallery
19 November 2021, Skopje
Roma-responsive budgeting
5 October 2019, Skopje
Roma-responsive budgeting
20-21 May 2019, Veles
Bridging the gap between domestic and multinational companies
Selecting policies for analysis, teams and research methods and data, within the project FISCAST+: Fiscal transparency and accountability improves policies in the areas of quality of life, education and healt