This research program covers labor market policies and social policies. It includes but is not limited to issues such as poverty, minimum wage, participation in the labor market, unemployment, quality of education, informal economy, economic migration, social protection, social dialogue and industrial relations and the like.

Within this program the following projects have been implemented:

Unlocking female economic potential – beyond gender boundaries

The objective of this action is to empower and enable women to reach their full potential in the labor market, with a particular focus on productivity. Specific objectives include: To
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Assessment of the findings of the pilot-measure “Make declared work attractive to employers and workers”

The objective of the project is to assess findings from the pilot measure “Make declared work attractive to employers and workers”, nest them into the Macedonian legal and economic context
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Roadmaps on Western Balkan Labor Market Policies Database Alignment with the EU and Capacity Building to WB Partners

The project’s goal is to evaluate the discrepancy between Western Balkan economies’ current practices and the methodology of EU LMP Statistics and offer roadmaps to the key stakeholders for harmonization
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А sustainable design of policies related to multi-dimensional child poverty

The objective of the project is to increase capacities of the State Statistical Office for multidimensional child-poverty routine measurement and monitoring, to establish a multi-dimensional stakeholder mechanism for designing more
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Action on the move: Monitoring, assessment and proposals for anti-crisis measures in conditions of a tight budget

The general goal of the action is to analyze and monitor budget spending for anti-crisis measures, at the national and local level, and to propose modification and/or new measures in
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Knowledge, measures and policy dialogue for child protection from the food and energy crisis

The primary objective of the project is to generate evidence about the impact of the food and energy crisis on overall and child poverty, as well as food and energy
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Open Balkan: Free regional movement of labor in conditions of shortage of qualified workers?

The goal of the project is to assess how the free movement of (skilled) labor in the Open Balkan Initiative will affect the labor market in North Macedonia, and thus
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An initiative for a more inclusive democracy for marginalized groups

The initiative aims to make participatory democracy more inclusive for young people, women and displaced persons (including refugees, immigrants and internally displaced persons).
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In-depth analysis of the multidimensional child poverty in North Macedonia

The overarching goal of the analysis is to generate an in-depth map about the various facets of child poverty and establish sound and thorough empirical evidence.
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Follow-up to the assessment of the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on children

The goal of the follow-up to the assessment of the social and economic impact of COVID-19 on children, is to generate scenarios and expanded policy proposals in a situation where
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