Citation: „The geopolitical conflict between Russia and Ukraine threatened the fiscal consolidation of the countries of the region“
Interview: „We need a vision of growth based on investments, exports, entrepreneurship, instead of constantly emphasizing issues related to ethnicities and political ballasts“
Citation: „THERE ARE MORE UNREGISTERED WORKERS IN SMALL COMPANIES – here are the sectors with the most“
Policy Study 51: The Fiscal Space in the Western Balkans: Evidence from the Recent Multilayer CrisisAuthors: Marija Basheska, Marjan Petreski, Despina Tumanoska, Blagica Petreski
Policy Study 50: Granular examination of the informal economy in North Macedonia: Insights into informal workers, undeclared work and income underreporting in householdsAuthors: Bojan Srbinoski, Marjan Petreski, Blagica Petreski