Citation: “Companies are looking for retraining programs for the workforce, and parties are promising to cut unemployment in half”
Citation: “Abandon the artificial inflation of capital investments”: this is what economists say about the parties’ election promises“
Citation: „VMRO-DPMNE will give pensioners 5,000 denars in the first year only. They don’t know about the future“
Citation: „What does the business expect and what is offered in the election programs of the parties?“
Citation: “Analysis of “Finance Think” on the economic promises in the election programs of SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE”
Citation: “How realistic are the promises of SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE: This is what the analysis of “Finance Think” showed”
Statement: “Experts warn: Election promises to increase pensions sound nice, but they can destabilize the pension system”