MOUS WITH INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CENTRES 02 Оctober 2014Finance Think signs a MoU with the Foundation for the Advancement of Economics from Belgrade, Serbia. 07 May 2014Finance Think signs a MoU with the Center for the research of labour market, distribution and society (CITRADIS), from Buenos Aires, Argenina. The Memo spells out a cooperation in the mutual areas of research. Dr. Fernando Grossman, director of CITRADIS and Ms. Blagica Petreski, Chief Economist (CEO) of Finance Think sign the MoU 09 May 2014Finance Think signs a MoU with the Bayes Group – a research center for research utilizing Bayesian methods from La Paz, Bolivia. The Memo spells out a cooperation in the mutual areas of research. Dr. Rolando Gonzales, director of the Bayes Group and Ms. Blagica Petreski, Chief Economist (CEO) of Finance Think sign the MoU