Statement: „How to maintain the pace of accelerated economic growth?“

Statement: „CAREFUL WITH THE MINIMUM WAGE: The gap with productivity growth is a threat to inflation“

Citation: „More negative than positive results for the Macedonian economy“

Statement: „Shrinkflation – a strategy between transparency and brand trust“

Citation: “Can personal income tax rebirth municipalities?”

Citation: „EDUCATION SECTOR PREDESIGNED FOR WOMEN, CONSTRUCTION FOR MEN: Stereotypes that cause weaker economic performance“

Citation: “WOMEN ARE DESTINED TO BE EDUCATORS, MEN TO BE CONSTRUCTORS – due to prejudice, the gentler sex is paid less”

Press clipping from Policy Brief 72

Citation: „THE MEASURE TO LIMIT MARGIN UNDER THE SCRUTINY OF THE EXPERT PUBLIC: Will the citizens win or lose in this battle?“

Participation in Top tema

Statement: „”Black Friday” action for supermarkets: Citizens mobilize for a new boycott“

Interview in Argument+

Statement: „Banks will decide which projects will be financed with the Hungarian loan, “no” to refinancing“


Statement: “Instead of a total boycott of markets, it could only target retailers who are unfair players”

Statement: “Rising food prices in North Macedonia: The authorities demand social responsibility from traders”

Statement: “Shop boycott in Croatia – Economists: A well-informed consumer can influence prices”

Citation: „LESS AND LESS UNEMPLOYED – a new drop in people looking for work, we ended the year with a record“

Interview for Bloomberg

Citation: “Finance Think: Municipal revenues are growing, but so is the money they receive from the central government”

Citation: „Municipalities under the scrutiny of experts, how self-sustainable is the LSGU?!“

Citation: “From 2021-2023, each resident paid 1,426 denars in property tax: Analysis by “Finance Think” on the self-sustainability of municipalities”

Citation: „Praised prices – empty cart“

Citation: „The New Year’s basket didn’t show up, better luck with the Ramadan one!“

Citation: “How to turn a temporary inflation slowdown into a more permanent structural solution”

Citation: „Measures against inflationary shocks with “boomerang” effects!“

Press clipping from Policy Brief 71

Citation: “The gray economy “eats” one Hungarian loan per year”

Citation: „Results of the analysis of state aid in the Western Balkan countries“

Citation: “Finance Think’s analysis of state aid distribution”

Citation: “State aid should be directed towards green technologies, renewable energy and digital infrastructure”

Statement: „Agriculture receives the most state aid, but the results are not good and there must be reform“

Citation: “Macedonia has awarded 253 million euros in state aid to farmers, domestic and foreign companies”

Citation: „Macedonia has allocated 253 million euros for state aid, less than Serbia and more than Kosovo and Albania“

Citation: “Macedonia stimulates agriculture the most, the model will undergo changes”

Press clipping from Macro-monitor 13(3)

Interview for Sloboden pecat

Interview for Radio Free Europe

Interview for Trilling

Press Clipping from the Panel Debate: “Fiscal Policy at a Crossroads: The Path to Stability and Sustainable Public Finances”

Press clipping from FT Comment 40

Citation: “Whether and where flexible working hours can lead to greater commitment of citizens in work processes”

Citation: „Brussels criticizes us for the amount of public debt, inflation measures, protection of competition!“

Interview on Bloomberg Adria

Citation: “Finance Think: EC Report introduces a strongly critical tone on the conduct of fiscal policy and public finances in the previous year”

Citation: „SHARP CRITICISM FROM THE EC ON THE MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC FINANCES AND STATE AID – Finance Think with a review of the remarks from the report“

Citation: “Women are an untapped potential in the labor market”

Interview: “Petreski: In a situation of exhausted fiscal space, we are operating at the psychological limit of public debt of GDP of 60%, a figure that will be exceeded next year”

Citation: „Putting out social fires does not bring economic growth“

Participation in the podcast “Where’s the Money with Goran Temenugov”