Bridging measures to alleviate Covid-19 consequences

The aim of the project is to develop proposed measures to mitigate the consequences of Covid-19, as a form of operationalization of the United Nations document “North Macedonia: UN Covid-19 Response Framework (CRF)”.

Client: UNDP

Duration: July – November 2020

Responding to the socio-economic effects of COVID-19 by supporting vulnerable groups of low-paid workers, workers who are part of the informal economy and temporary workers

The main goal of the project is to reduce the socio-economic consequences of the crisis caused by Covid-19 on vulnerable categories of workers.


Short-term goals of the project include:

  • To measure the socio-economic effects of the Covid crisis on vulnerable categories of workers,
  • To examine the views and experiences of the target groups on the socio-economic effects of the crisis and the utilization of government measures and assistance,
  • To help policymakers make informed decisions based on evidence, data and recommendations, ie new measures and interventions to mitigate the effects of the crisis on vulnerable categories of workers,
  • To increase the representation capacities of the local associations, in order to timely and informed representation of the vulnerable categories of workers before the policymakers,
  • To increase public awareness of the socio-economic effects of the crisis, the measures available to deal with it and the need to introduce new measures and policies aimed at these categories of workers.

Donor: Open Society Foundation Macedonia

Duration: July 2020 – June 2021

Socio-economic assessment of the medium- to long-term effects of Covid-19 on child-related sectors

The aim of the project is to conduct a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the mid- to long-term effects of Covid-19 on the sectors related to children, namely: social protection, education and health care.

The analysis will perform a quantitative simulation, using micro-data, on the effects of the crisis on child poverty and related indicators. In a separate section, the analysis will focus on the implications of and on public finance in relation to these sectors.


Client: UNICEF

Duration: May-June 2020


360o monitoring of the provision of social services at the local level: Experiences from the municipalities of Prilep and Dolneni

The overall goal of the project is to improve the delivery of social services at the local level by increasing the capacities of local stakeholders and involving citizens in this process in the municipalities of Prilep and Dolneni.

The short-term objectives of the project are:

  1. To analyze and monitor the provision of social services from local public institutions in all aspects (hence, 360 degrees monitoring), with a key emphasis on the PI Inter-municipal Center for Social Work – Prilep.
  2. To understand the extent to which the provision of public services is assisted by the private and civil sector.
  3. To assess the level of cooperation of local stakeholders and public institutions in delivering social services.
  4. To understand the perceptions and experiences of the local population regarding the delivery of social services.
  5. To encourage local policy-makers to make informed decisions based on evidence.
  6. To strengthen the capacities of all stakeholders for better delivery of social services.
  7. To increase public awareness about the impact of social services on personal and social well-being.


Duration: November 2018 – March 2019

Donor: European Union through the Foundation Open Society Macedonia and Eurothink

Social Pillar of the European Integration of Western Balkans

This Project intends to initiate policy platform dealing with the welfare state issues to strengthen cohesion, stability and growth in the Western Balkans and its sustainable European perspectives.

The specific objective is to support effective regional advocacy on issues of critical importance for the welfare state area, through long-term regional cooperation and learning from EU experience, as preconditions for inclusive evidence-based policy making.


Duration: January – December 2018

Donor: European Fund for the Balkans

Project partners: Center for Social Policy – Belgrade, Qendra Economic Social Analytics – Tirana


Regulatory Impact Analysis: The Effects of Changing the Minimum Wage Act

The overall goal of the project is an ex-post assessment of the impact of the changes in the Minimum Wage Act on the system (the economy) and the main stakeholders (workers and employers).

The specific objectives of the project are:

  1. To assess the impact of the increased and equalized minimum wage on employment and living standards;
  2. To assess the impact of the increased and equalized minimum wage on the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia;
  3. To document the space and forms for (non) compliance with the Minimum Wage Act, as well as the difficulties in its implementation, and to qualitatively assess the repercussions;
  4. To encourage policy makers to make informed decisions based on appropriate evidence-based analysis and recommendations;
  5. To increase public awareness of the changes in the Minimum Wage Law, their impact and the need for their abiding;
  6. To educate workers about their labor rights in order to reduce the pressures and compromises they are subject to when paying the minimum wage.


Duration: January – December 2018

Donor: Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” – Skopje