Deeper regional integration of labor markets brings advantages but also threats

Finance Think published the study “Labor mobility preconditions for the regional economic integration: Pros and cons from Macedonian perspective”.

The aim of this study is to assess the potential for labor mobility for deeper regional economic integration, through a quantitative analysis of the gaps in occupations and wages, from the perspective of North Macedonia. The main finding of the study is that deeper regional integration of labor markets in the Western Balkans brings advantages but also threats.

Free movement of workers is one of the principles underlying all previous and current initiatives for regional economic integration in the Western Balkans, and may be of significant interest given the labor and skills shortages these countries face. However, whether and to what extent economic integration between the Western Balkans can fill these gaps depends mostly on two aspects: 1) the current state of the labor market in terms of skills and occupations that are demanded and offered and 2) the difference in wages between the integrating countries.

The results of the study show that on the Macedonian labor market, on the one hand, there is a surplus of workers in professions with higher qualifications, with the exception of workers from information and telecommunications activities, reaching a maximum in educational (pedagogical) occupations, where in one vacant position there are up to 71 unemployed people. On the other hand, there is a shortage of workers for six out of eight occupations with lower qualifications, which is especially pronounced for service and basic workers. The latter is also related to the fact that almost 60% of registered unemployed persons are without a specific occupation, with low or no education. Hence, deeper regional labor market integration can encourage mobility that will increase the available skill set in the market, and for persons in surplus occupations with higher skills, offer more opportunities for employment and earnings.

The results further focus on wage differences between North Macedonia and Serbia, given that higher wages are one of the main reasons for labor mobility. The calculations showed that in neighboring Serbia the wage premium in relation to North Macedonia is very small, almost insignificant and, therefore, will not cause significant mobility of Macedonian workers. However, for sectors that are seasonal in nature and have a cyclical need for workers, significant differences in wages may occur. Given that occupations with lower skills are simultaneously in short supply in the Macedonian labor market, deeper regional integration may lead to a deepening of the shortage of such workers.

Although regional economic integration has its advantages in terms of labor mobility, it is more important to make structural reforms in the domestic economy, with the aim of reducing the differences in the supply and demand of labor and meeting the needs of the labor market, above all. with domestic workers. For this purpose, our recommendations are aimed at adapting labor market policies to prevent the increase of workers in surplus occupations, and creating educational policies in order to direct workers in deficit occupations.

In general, regional economic integration based on the four basic principles of free flow of capital, goods, services and people helps countries to overcome the constraints to economic growth created by poor infrastructure, inefficient policies, geographical affiliation and demographic changes. Free movement of workers is one of the key freedoms of regional economic integration that increases labor mobility regionally and/or internationally, in search of access to the labor market in the country of departure. According to the latest figures, almost 162 million people have moved to another country in search of employment, and this trend is expected to continue, mainly due to the wage gap between countries, the rapidly aging workforce in some countries and technological developments that make it easier for expatriates to stay connected with their family.

The economic #benefits from the EU accession are most important

Our executive director Blagica Petreski participated in the forum “We are Europe”, organized by the Secretariat for European Affairs.

The economic #benefits from the EU accession process are the most significant

📌 Every government looks at the #shortterm. With the change of government, new policies, but always only until the next elections. The approach will support a long-term goal and #vision

📌 Populism undermines structural #reforms. Accession will ensure consistent implementation of reforms in the three pillars: education, health and social protection and institutions, will strengthen competitiveness and bring a better standard of living

📌 We spend a lot #unproductively. Access to more and more diverse funds on the road to the EU will ensure both a larger budget and more productive spending

First debate club on the multidimensional child poverty

Today we held the first debate club to identify policy overlaps, gaps, priorities and common goals related to multidimensional child poverty.

The club was attended by representatives from the sectors of social protection, education and health, and from the State Statistics Office

Ministry of Labor and Social Policy
Ministry of Education and Science
Ministry of Health

We conducted the club as part of the partnership action with UNICEF MK.

A gallery from the event can be seen here.

Pension growth more than adjustment can increase the retirement limit

In an interview with Lokalno, Blagica Beba Petreski talks about current economic topics.

⚠ The second reason for this surge of requests for higher incomes is of course the decision of the #Constitutional Court – and the subsequent #silence on the part of the Government – which unfroze the salary increases of elected and appointed persons, which led to their cumulative growth of 78%. At the moment, I am not going into whether a certain level of salary is appropriate to the difficulty of the work and #responsibilities of a minister, but for such a sudden jump in salaries, it was simply neither the time nor the place. As Finance Think, as well as other reasonable voices in society, we called on the Government to find an #urgent and immediate mechanism to restore the original situation and to open a #dialogue within which an acceptable solution will be reached for a reasonable increase in the salaries of officials.


#Foresight workshop in Berlin

Our Blagica Petreski participated in a forecasting workshop, “The Future of the Western Balkans in 2043”, in Berlin, Germany, July 5-6, 2023, organized by the Aspen Institute Germany.

Stepping back from short-term thinking and daily headlines, the workshop aimed to develop strategic approaches with a long-term focus on peace, prosperity and integration in the #EU.

Our Blagica Petreski became a Research Fellow of PEP

Our CEO Blagica Beba Petreski has been selected as a Research Fellow at PEP – Partnership for Economic Policy based in Quebec, Canada and Nairobi, Kenya, among 28 selected candidates from developing countries around the world.

Research Fellows contribute to PEP activities through #scientific mentoring, training, research, economic policy events, international conferences, publications and consultancy.

Finance Think has been a PEP grantee on two occasions in the last decade. The selection of Blagica, in a highly competitive process, is the result of long-term fruitful cooperation and #internationalization of our work.