Our recommendations in the State Department Report

Finance Think has already alerted and made suggestions for some of the findings of the State Department on the investment climate in North Macedonia within Study no. 33: The potential of export-oriented companies to contribute to economic recovery after Covid-19 in North Macedonia, which would overcome the limitations and use the potentials of export-oriented companies in the country.

We continue the cooperation with the municipalities

The Municipality of Bogovinje is one of the 21 municipalities that will develop a register of #parafiscal charges and will increase financial transparency.
Today, we signed a Memorandum of Cooperation within the project “FISCAST Network – Improving the dialogue for greater financial transparency of municipalities, with a focus on parafiscal charges”, supported by the Delegation of the European Union, Skopje.

Workshop participation within the WeBER 2.0 project

Our Sandra Sokolenko-Todoroska participates in the workshop for grantees within the project WeBER 2.0: Strengthening civil society in the Western Balkans for reformed public administration, which takes place in the period 7-9 July in Mavrovo, organized by the European Policy Institute – EPI.

Read our latest FT Opinion 53 for the intention to introduce 🌎 environmental tax on fuels

1️⃣ The environmental tax will have a one-time short-term effect on the general price level (inflation) which would range from 0.15 to 0.3 percent.
2️⃣ Although relatively small, the price effect should not be neglected. We recommend the environmental tax to be introduced in stages, as follows: 1.5 denars in July 2021, 1 denar in January 2022 and 1 denar in July 2022.
3️⃣ We strongly recommend the creation of a Green Transition Fund that will ensure that the funds are really used to support the green transition.
4️⃣ We recommend that the Government raises the issue of financing the green transition for wider debate and consultation, including on alternative funding models.

Full FT Opinion 53

We invite you for a short survey!

We need your opinion in a poll that takes only 1 minute of your time.
Link to the survey https://www.questionpro.com/t/AOCeHZmtJR
Thank you!

Promo of our work on the assessment of the effects of Covid-19 on 🚜 agricultural workers

In the previous period, two related activities included:
1️⃣. Publication of our Policy Brief no. 46 (bit.ly/3wfv8Q5) in the specialized magazine Zelena Berza, in order to reach as wide a range of farmers as possible;
2️⃣. Dissemination of our brochure for strengthening the female farmers (bit.ly/38aNNmT) at the event “Peasant Uprising” organized by our friends LAG Agro Leader in the village of Slavej, Prilep region.
All activities are part of the project for assessment of the effects of Covid-19 on vulnerable groups of workers, supported by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia