It is the paper “The covid-19 impact on exports in North Macedonia — firm-level analysis”, published in the prominent journal Economic Research – Ekonomska istrazivanja, which is indexed on the Web of Science, has an impact factor of 3,034 and is positioned in quarter 2 of the group of journals in Economics. Access the following link:
On current topics, Blagica Petreski spoke in Top tema
The debate could be seen here.
The current uncertainty in the economy – a topic of our Economic Forum
We will be hosting an Economic Forum on hot topics
📑 Summary of our work in 2021 in the Annual Report
The report could be downloaded on the following link.
Call to residents of the municipality of Krushevo!
Details and application on
🏢 Meeting of Mayors: Transparent and Inclusive Local Policies
On current economic topics, Blagica Petreski in Top Tema
The full video is available here.
FT Opinion no. 56 on the proposed increase of pensions
FT Opinion no. 55 on the economic consequences of the developments in Ukraine for North Macedonia
You could read the opinion here.