The answer to this question is provided by our latest policy study which will be published soon.
We heard the perspectives of various stakeholders in green finance
What are the main motives for running an #unregistered enterprise?
Тhe conclusions of our study that provides an answer to this question, together with a set of #recommendations, we presented today to the working group for dealing with the #gray economy at the Ministry of Finance.
The policy study will be published soon.
The project is supported by GIZ North Macedonia.
Finance Think contributed towards Balkan Barometer 2022
What is the market appetite for #green and #social credit lines in the country?
Finance Think, a part of the global coalition to make democracy more inclusive
Finance Think become becomes a part of a new global initiative led by People Powered and funded by the National Endowment for Democracy. While government reformers are increasingly securing public participation in decision-making, marginalized groups are too often left out or excluded. This limits the impact of democratic innovations. The program will make participatory democracy more inclusive of youth, women, and displaced people (including refugees, immigrants, and internally displaced people).
The initiative’s activities, which will extend through the first quarter of 2024, will include:
- Workshops and in-person convenings among People Powered member organizations to identify best practices for making participatory democracy inclusive.
- Creation of online courses and resource materials to help organizations implement the best practices.
- Development of multimedia stories that bring to life the human impact of this work, to persuade more governments and organizations to make participation more inclusive.
More on the project on the following link.
Работилници со општините за оптимизација на парафискалните давачки
AGORA Quantum Prima LAG Agro Leader Delegation of the European Union, Skopje
In an interview with the weekly Capital, Blagica Petreski talks about #economic policies
The interview can be accessed here.
📗Workshop with municipalities, business and NGO sector
Finance Think at #OpenBalkanForum
Our Blagica Petreski spoke at the Open Balkan Forum in Belgrade, Serbia, organized by Libertarijanski Klub -LibeK-.