Blagica Petreski talks to about current economic topics related to inflation and the reaction of economic policies. More.
Briefing with journalists on the latest findings on the shadow economy
Meeting with the MFA of Austria, Alexander Schalenberg
Finance Think at the Civica Mobilitas networking meeting
@Finance Think, represented by our Bojan Srbinoski, actively participated in the networking meeting of Civica Mobilitas, which took place in Ohrid, 4-6 May 2022.
Financial data for the municipalities in one place
In Krushevo we debated about the tailoring of the municipal budget to the needs of the citizens
🔜 We invite you to a post-holiday debate in Krushevo
Our paper in a prominent international journal on the Web of Science
It is the paper “The covid-19 impact on exports in North Macedonia — firm-level analysis”, published in the prominent journal Economic Research – Ekonomska istrazivanja, which is indexed on the Web of Science, has an impact factor of 3,034 and is positioned in quarter 2 of the group of journals in Economics. Access the following link:
On current topics, Blagica Petreski spoke in Top tema
The debate could be seen here.