We invite local stakeholders in the municipalities to participate in the capacity building program

Representatives of local organizations, institutions, businesses, media, activists and other local stakeholders have the opportunity through participation in the program to become active participants in decision-making at the local level and to monitor the financial transparency of municipalities.

Sign up for the link:


Capacity building of local stakeholders is part of the action: “Improving the dialogue for greater financial transparency of municipalities, with a focus on parafiscal charges”, which Finance Think implements together with AGORA, Quantum Prima and LAG Agro Leader, with support from @Delegation of the European Union, Skopje.

MoU with the Municipality of Krushevo for mapping the parafiscal charges

The Municipality of Krushevo is the first of 21 municipalities to develop a register of #parafiscal charges and to increase financial transparency.

Today, we signed a Memorandum of Cooperation within the project “FISCAST Network – Improving the dialogue for greater financial transparency of municipalities, with a focus on parafiscal charges”, supported by the Delegation of the European Union, Skopje.

Despina Tumanoska at a regional workshop for vulnerable groups of workers

Our Despina Tumanoska presented the results of our Policy Brief 46: Agricultural workers – a silent victim of the pandemic? (bit.ly/39F0nv9) at the one-day workshop “Vulnerable Groups in Agriculture”, held within the regional project of Open Society Foundations “Response to the socio-economic impact of Covid-19 in support of vulnerable groups of low-paid, informal and gig workers.” In North Macedonia, the project is led by the Open Society Foundation – Macedonia.

Our Blagica Petreski debated today at 2021 UNECE #RFSD2021

How can we move towards sustainable development goals #SDG in response to and recovery from Covid-19? The panel within the 2021 UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development is supported by UN Women Europe and Central Asia and UN Women Skopje.