Finance Think at the 8th Western Balkans Civil Society Forum

Finance Think participates in the 8th Western Balkans Civil Society Forum, organized by the EESC – European Economic and Social Committee.

📌 The forum discusses the challenges in the accession process, post-Covid economic recovery, regional economic integration, social dialogue and the contribution of civil society organizations in these processes.

The diagnosis of the municipal labor markets presented to the local economic councils

In cooperation with the office of the International Labor Organization, we developed labor market diagnostics for nine municipalities in the country. At today’s meeting we presented the results, which are part of the action for Strengthening the social dialogue – RSM. The presentation was addressed to key stakeholders, including: local economic councils, representatives of municipalities, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, employment centers.

💰 We are researching the needs of the citizens of the settlements in the Municipality of Krushevo

The creation of local budgets is ongoing. We research the needs of the inhabitants of the settlements Buchin, Presil, Sv. Mitrani and Norovo for issues within the competence of the Municipality.

Field data collection is part of the project “Budget for All: Citizen Consulting to create a budget according to local needs” within the initiative #Weber2.0 from the European Policy Institute (EPI).

Training on financial transparency, parafiscal charges and public procurement

🧑‍🏫 Financial transparency, parafiscal charges and procurement in the municipalities were the topics of the first training of the capacity building program for local stakeholders, delivered by prof. Borce Trenovski. Representatives of local administrations, organizations and activists participated in this dynamic and interactive online session, through which they gained new knowledge, but also discussed existing problems at the local level.The activity is realized by our partner AGORA, within the project for financial transparency of the municipalities, funded by the Delegation of the European Union, Skopje, and implemented by Finance Think, Agora, Quantum Prima and LAG Agro Leader.

Tell us your #champion story

Children who grow up in modest circumstances and who later achieve above-average success – as professionals in business, sports, science, art, medicine, journalism, etc. – are called #champions.

If you are a champion or you know a champion and you want to share the inspiring #story in a video that we will prepare to motivate society to support champions, please fill out the following form:

Our recommendations in the State Department Report

Finance Think has already alerted and made suggestions for some of the findings of the State Department on the investment climate in North Macedonia within Study no. 33: The potential of export-oriented companies to contribute to economic recovery after Covid-19 in North Macedonia, which would overcome the limitations and use the potentials of export-oriented companies in the country.