Working visit to Montenegro

The Finance Think team is on a working visit to Montenegro, May 18-20, 2022. The regionalization of our work leads us to meetings with dear colleagues from the Institut Alternativa and the ISSP Institute for Strategic Studies and Forecasting in Podgorica.

Finance Think participated in a roundtable on regional integration

Our Bojan Srbinoski participated in the round table “From CEFTA to the single EU market: Lessons learned from Visegrad-4 for the Western Balkans-6”, organized by the Montenegrin Pan-European Union and @Robert Schuman Institute (Budapest).

Finance Think is a partner in the project “Support from Visegrad-4 to promote the common regional market in the Western Balkans-6: One market for post-pandemic recovery”, supported by the International Visegrad Fund.

🔜 We invite you to a post-holiday debate in Krushevo

April 26, 2022 from 12 o’clock in the Cinema Hall – Nikola Karev High School. We will discuss the possibilities for involving the citizens of all local settlements in the process of creating local policies.
📑 The event is open to all interested parties.

Our paper in a prominent international journal on the Web of Science

It is the paper “The covid-19 impact on exports in North Macedonia — firm-level analysis”, published in the prominent journal Economic Research – Ekonomska istrazivanja, which is indexed on the Web of Science, has an impact factor of 3,034 and is positioned in quarter 2 of the group of journals in Economics. Access the following link: