Corruptive practices impede economic growth in Macedonia

The objective of this policy research is to identify corruptive practices that influence the economy of Macedonia and to offer real already-implemented similar measures in the EU to tackle and resolve these kinds of practices.

The method implemented in the policy study is quantitative based on data that captures corruption and informal practices. This kind of research is one of the first that implements quantitative analysis in researching how the corruption influences economic growth in Macedonia. One of the primary missions of this policy study is to provide evidence-based and data-driven analysis that will offer objective overview of how corruption actually influences the economy. Additionally, this overview essentially provides real and objective policy recommendations for alleviation of corruption based on impartial and unbiased analysis.


Donor: TRAIN is funded by the Federal Foreign Office and run by the Berlin-based German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP).

Duration: March – December 2017


FISCAST+: Fiscal transparency and accountability improves policies in quality of life, education and health

The objective of the project is to address efficiency and quality of selected policies in quality of life, education and health through public debate and policy options derived from data and evidence.

The project is expected to bring the following changes:

  • Changed general understanding of the importance of specific policies and measures within the QEH areas
  • Increased availability of data in the specific areas  set base for evidence-based policymaking
  • Steered public debate and increased public awareness about the issues
  • Increased pressure on policymakers for better and more efficient public policies and measures in the QEH areas
  • Improved research capacity, networking and sharing of expertise

The project will deliver the following outputs:

  1. Mapping and selection of policies per year in three areas (QEH)
  2. Research and production of results
  3. Links with media outlets and development of outreach products (comms strategy)
  4. Capacity building for teams and media for use of data, cost benefit analysis and policy options


Donor: British Embassy, Skopje

Duration: July 2016 – March 2018


Call for EoI (NGOs) – Application form (NGOs)

Call for EoI (My story) – Application form (My story)

Call for focus group participation`

Call for еxperts – Application form (experts)

Debate club of experts, Skopje, 26 October 2016 – Gallery

Interim expert meeting, 26 April 2017

Call for EoI (journalists)






Empirical analysis of the risks and resilience to shocks of the Macedonian insurance sector

The objective of this research is to analyse the risks to the stability of the Macedonian insurance sector and to quantify its resilience to shocks.

 We create an empirical economic model to identify which variables potentially affect the stability of insurance sector, as measured through the solvency margin. We use the results of the economic model to develop a stress test model of the Macedonian insurance sector, where by assigning shocks to the statistically significant variables, we will assess the resilience of the insurance sector to shocks. We create one baseline scenario without shocks and four shocked scenarios to examine the resilience of the insurance sector and of the individual insurance companies to shocks. The latter is done through the Value at Risk (VaR) statistics obtained by a Monte Carlo simulation.


Provider: The Geneva Association for the Study of Insurance Economics

Period: 2013 (12 months)


Paper winning the ISA prize (MK) – Info on ISA prize

Paper published in Geneva papers on risk and insurance – issues and practice