In the interview, our program coordinator talks about how Covid-19 has affected many aspects of the labor market. Click for more:
Consultative meeting for preliminary study findings

The research is part of the project “Reaping the potential of export-oriented companies to contribute to the post-Covid-19 recovery”, supported by the British Embassy Skopje.
The economic forum on the socio-economic effects of Covid-19 has been successfully completed
We organized the Economic Forum together with our partners, the United Nations family in North Macedonia. The forum was addressed by prominent stakeholders: policy makers, representatives of international institutions and the academic community. Click for gallery.
Economic Forum on the Socio-Economic Consequences of Covid-19

Finance Think contributed to the creation of the UN Country Country Analysis
The document is being prepared for the first time and can be downloaded here:
Happy 8th birthday, Finance Think!
New Policy Study!

Finance Think participated in the public hearing on the draft Budget Law
Blagica Petreski, CEO of Finance Think explained the remarks from our FT Comment no. 30 of the Draft Law on Budgets (, i.e. the need for further specification and detailing in the area of medium-term budgeting, fiscal rules and the fiscal council. The hearing was organized by the Ministry of Finance.