BOOKS AND HANDBOOKS The Path Forward – Lessons from the Western Balkans’ Food and Energy InsecuritiesBlagica Petreski (Ed.) Handbook for Budget and Financial Transparency of Municipalities “You have the right to…” – Regulation of workers rights My money, my responsibility: Manual for participative budgeting in the municipalities in MacedoniaAuthor: Ivan Vchkov Research tools in economics. A think tank perspectiveAuthor: Marjan Petreski How to fix the future? Analysis of and proposals for selected public policies in MacedoniaEditors: Blagica Petreski and Despina Tumanoska Gender and motherhood wage gaps in Macedonia: Manual for calculation with applications in STATAIvan Vchkov and Marjan Petreski Migration as social protection: Analysis of Macedonian, Albanian and Serbian remittance-receiving householdsMarjan Petreski, Blagica Petreski (Eds.) How is public money spent? Cost-benefit analysis of selected public policies in Macedonia MKD version – ALB version Mind the gaps between the budget lines and the programs of the National Strategy for Poverty ReductionMKD version – ALB version Analysis of the role of banking system for the economic growth: The case of MacedoniaBlagica Petreski The Feldstein-Horioka puzzle in transition economies: With reference to MacedoniaDespina Petreska