The general goal of the action is to analyze and monitor budget spending for anti-crisis measures, at the national and local level, and to propose modification and/or new measures in conditions of an emphasized need for rationalization of public money spending.

The specific objectives include:

  1. To analyze and monitor budget spending for existing anti-crisis measures, in three segments: 1) measures to protect the standard of citizens, at the national and local level, 2) measures to help companies, 3) measures in the area of agriculture and security food, and in the context of effective and efficient spending of public money;
  2. To make proposals for the modification of existing and new measures, based on the need for their targeting and for the rationalization of budget spending in conditions of “expensive money”;
  3. To raise public awareness of the need for fiscal consolidation and rational spending of public money in the face of multiple crises.


Donor: Civica Mobilitas

Duration: January – October 2023

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