Supervisory Committee

The Supervisory Committee of Finance Think is the body that supervises the work of the entire institution. It was founded on February 1, 2017, with the following mandate:

  1. Supervises the proper implementation and enforcement of the provisions of the Statute and other regulations of the Institute;
  2. Supervises the execution of the decisions of the Assembly, the Board and other bodies of the Institute;
  3. Supervises the execution of the budget;
  4. Proposes measures to prevent and eliminate irregularities in the work;
  5. Approves contracts and arrangements of the Institute with persons who are not employed in it, but who are related to it in a substantive manner;
  6. Performs other duties according to law and to the bylaws of the Institute;
  7. Submits annual report for the conducted supervision to the Assembly of the Institute.

The Supervisory Committee consists of two (2) members, appointed for a term of two (2) years which may be renewed.

Current members (2023 – 2025)

Irena Jakimoska
Gligor Bisev

Former members (2017 – 2023)

Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) Committee

The MEL Committee of Finance Think is the body that monitors and assesses the impact of the work of the Institute on the policies, legislation, the immediate groups and the public debate. It was founded on February 1, 2017, with the following mandate:

  1. Compiles and proposed for adoption to the Assembly of the Institute a Strategy for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL strategy);
  2. Annually compiles a report on monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL Report), which shall be submitted to the Chief Economist and proposed for inclusion in the Annual narrative report of the Institute;
  3. Approves the components for monitoring, evaluation and learning within project applications;
  4. Reviews and approves the activities for monitoring, evaluation and learning in the projects conducted by the Institute;
  5. Prepares periodic reports on monitoring, evaluation and learning when required;
  6. Performs other tasks within the scope of monitoring, evaluation and learning delegated by the Chief Economist (CEO).

The MEL Committee consists of at least two (2) members, of which at least one (1) is an employee of Finance Think, for a term of two (2) years which may be renewed.

Current members (2023 – 2025)

Despina Tumanoska

Chairwoman of the MEL Committee

Marjan Petreski

External member