📊 Активности за соработка со Државниот завод за статистика

📣 Yesterday, together with the State Statistical Office MakStat, we defined activities to enhance the scope of our collaboration.

The State Statistical Office and Finance Think signed a memorandum of cooperation back in 2017, focused on strengthening ties with users of statistical data in the fields of scientific research and policymaking.

The meeting aimed to expand this partnership and define new activities and opportunities for active involvement of the non-governmental sector in data sharing, research, and resource exchange, with the goal of improving economic policies.

The Personal Development Program Has Successfully Concluded! 🎉

📃 We awarded certificates to 50 employees of Comfy Angel from Prilep, who actively participated in the 🚀 Excellence and Personal Growth Program (PILN). These certificates confirm the skills and knowledge they have acquired to increase productivity and strengthen human capital.

🔢 This program is part of our efforts to apply data and analytical findings directly in the field, within the real sector. ✅️ Our goal is to create meaningful changes that improve the work environment, foster personal development for every employee, and unlock women’s economic potential.

👱‍♀️ The participants’ satisfaction with the program is undeniably high. Their comments speak for themselves: “For the first time, we felt that someone cares about us, the workers.”, “We are grateful for the opportunity to learn so many new things.”, and “Change is truly felt.”

🇬🇧 British Embassy Skopje

Regional Policy Debate held

📣 Today, the Regional Policy Debate “After the Food Price Crisis: Roadmap for Food Self-Sustainability in the Western Balkans Region – Lessons Learned and the Path Forward” took place.
🗣 At the debate, we discussed the dependence on food imports, the need for rural development and climate change adaptation, as well as regional cooperation in the Western Balkan region.

Economists from WEBecon Network in the podcast “Where Is the Money?”

Boycott. Discontent. High Prices.
The region is protesting against rising store prices.

But is the crisis nearing its end, and are these just its final, delayed effects?
Has the region significantly impoverished over the past four years?
If a new crisis arises, will we be able to handle it?

Our economists from WEBecon Network provide answers to these pressing questions:

  • Marija Basheska from Finance Think, North Macedonia
  • Vojin Golubović from ISSP, Montenegro
  • Lazar Ivanović from Centar za visoke ekonomske studije – CEVES, Serbia
  • Amela Kurta from CREDI, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tune in to the podcast “Where Is the Money?” with Goran Temenugov on Pari.com.mk.
