Memorandum with Comfy Angel for Piloting Productivity Measures

⚙️📈Increasing productivity is key to boosting competitiveness.
✍️We will work with the business sector to identify measures that contribute to higher productivity, and through impact evaluation, we will measure which measures yield results.
🤝Together with Comfy Angel, we will pilot measures aimed at enhancing productivity. For this purpose, we have signed a memorandum of cooperation.
🎯The goal of this action is to encourage and enable women to reach their full potential in the labor market, with a special focus on productivity. British Embassy Skopje

Debate Club on the Topic of Productivity with the Business Sector in Prilep

🗣 Debate Club on the topic of productivity and how to foster it, with the business sector in Prilep.
📊📇 In the upcoming period, we will work together on implementing and measuring measures that have the potential to boost productivity, with a focus on women’s productivity.
20 representatives from the most significant companies in Prilep, including domestic and foreign investors from various sectors, participated.
Support was also received from the Mayor of Prilep Municipality, Borche Jovcheski, and Rotary Club Prilep.
British Embassy Skopje

Finance Think at the Civil Society Forum for the Western Balkans and Turkey in Belgrade

🇲🇰 The Civil Society Forum for the Western Balkans and Turkey, has been held from June 11 to 13 in Belgrade, Serbia, supported by organized by the EU TACSO 3 and DG Near.

This forum allows civil society organizations to network and discuss key issues. This year’s focus was on the renewed interest in EU enlargement 🌍, featuring discussions on the Western Balkans Growth Plan 📈 and various other topics.

Finance Think’s Blagica Petreski discussed the Growth Plan, lack of consultation, and the need for proper planning and monitoring 🤝.

Our recent findings on fiscal space in the podcast “Where is the money?”

📍 Did the energy crisis and the fight against inflation leave the state treasury empty?
📍 If we face a new crisis, will we have the money to deal with it?
📍 Are the subsidies for electricity and agriculture money thrown to the wind? Where did we go wrong? And, how can we avoid mistakes in the future?
📍 What measures should be taken as quickly as possible to overcome the consequences of the crises?
📍 Has poverty increased?
Our Blagica Petreski provides the answers in the podcast “Where is the money?” with Goran Temenugov.